
Welcome to Universe University

Nice to have company around here.

Hi, I’m Alison, and I am a Vedic and Western Astrologer. I’ve been knocking around the world of esoterica so long that I can remember weirding out everyone in second grade with something I was doing with stones and water. Always a believer, always a searcher, always looking for meaning in every micron of experience which believe me can be truly annoying to others.

Astrology is considered a vidya in the Eastern World, which means it’s a practice that brings wisdom, like yoga or any other devotional activity. You can get better at it, you can get really good, but that will never be the point. The point is you can’t be perfect.

None of us can.

In Vedic Astrology, the houses three, six and eleven are called the Upachaya Houses — they are said to be “growing” houses and get better over time. Thus the name of my blog is Upachaya Girl, since I’ve been thinking about these things for a long time and have no hope whatsoever of understanding it all.

Gotta keep trying, though.

And that is the point.

So I am perpetual student of the vidya of astrology and the Great Wide Woo Woo In General. It is a vast topic. I also offer readings at a student rate which you can read about here.

Or you can read my blog here.

Or! Need help with your astrology homework?  I can probably help. You wanna know who is Black Moon Lilith? What a Neptune transit does? What is a Nakshatra? What the hell is wrong with my boyfriend? Post it here and I’ll follow up ASAP.

Or! you can listen to this cool song I heard today(don’t worry, I change this pretty often):