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Seva Saturday

Seva Saturday is my way of serving the world without asking anything in return. It is an ancient practice; giving of yourself with love and bright intention. Many times this practice is enough to heal all kinds of spiritual affliction. Basically, people need help with stuff. You need to serve …

How I Love Thee Aint Working.

The Sidereal sun is in Virgo; Vedic Mercury in Libra, backtracking; and Venus ( her Indian name is Shukra) is extremely close to this whole mess with her boyfriend Rahu ( North Node) on her arm. Shukra will date anyone. Seriously. I don’t what she sees in him. Lots of …

Mercury Retrogrades, Journalism Cancelled.

Mercury retrograde is a done-to-death topic in astrology. It’s even sort of made the big-time and in two weeks I’ve read someone’s not-very-insightful comments about the event in straight on, respectable news outlets like Huffpo and this place. Upshot: Okay, don’t buy a computer. Once I did buy a computer …

Full Moon Venus Retrograde

    Today the moon is coming to full in the sign of Cancer, ready to throw a kiss to Jupiter before she takes the stage for the evening. It should be a nice moment — somehow something coming full circle back to you.  But I don’t think you can …