Seva Saturday

Seva Saturday is my way of serving the world without asking anything in return. It is an ancient practice; giving of yourself with love and bright intention. Many times this practice is enough to heal all kinds of spiritual affliction. Basically, people need help with stuff. You need to serve people and you need to do what you do. So the intersection is a perfect juncture for spontaneous healing.

Call me crazy but I don’t think our culture is aligned all that well with the concept of prosperity, or wealth, or what money is or what it is really supposed to do. I have seen astrologers of great knowledge, wisdom and talent deny people with *real* problems ( not white people problems) assistance because of their inability to pay the price of a simple conversation; I have seen them completely ignore the opportunity to practice right action simply because of some weird idea about “boundaries” or “self-esteem” or some claptrap like this.

I am not saying I don’t like money. Money is wildly handy.  But it is not the only form of currency and because of thisGaia2 we are all supported by infinite abundance. I have six other days in the week to collect the cash; Seva Saturday is my way of staying open, to offer a full and loving heart, and to let a little light get in.

Much love to you. This is unconditional. Come see me on Saturday. I’ll take appointments up to 12PM CST.