Mercury Retrogrades, Journalism Cancelled.

mercury_retroSIGNMercury retrograde is a done-to-death topic in astrology. It’s even sort of made the big-time and in two weeks I’ve read someone’s not-very-insightful comments about the event in straight on, respectable news outlets like Huffpo and this place.

Upshot: Okay, don’t buy a computer.

Once I did buy a computer when Mercury was retrograde and it was the most doomed purchase I ever made, but a person can refrain from buying a computer pretty easily. It’s a little harder to refrain from doing other Mercury-type things, like thinking, or talking, or making arrangements with people, or *travelling locally* — I mean, come on. People do have to Do Stuff. You’re not going to stop going to the gym or Starbucks or whatever just because of some rock in the sky.

What goes on here isn’t that things will go *wrong*. The issue is more that your mind is in *two places at once.* Massive distractions. Usually in my experience the mind is just stuffed with thoughts of past/present/future, like there’s been a bottleneck somewhere up on the assembly line and your head is now overflowing with way too many thought-donuts. Actors in your life disappear momentarily because they’ve wandered off into a haze of something; worry or a really badly thought-out mini-affair or a real estate seminar that requires the purchase of ninety motivational audio tapes. Ex relationships either pull you down into a funk of retrospective obsession or the obsession abates as if it’s been taken up by The Rapture.

Right, so where did they go? You were *just talking to them.* Woe to the journalist who finds himself turning in long writeups of plays that were cancelled three days before deadline, and his story is killed to be replaced by some astrologer who’s got seven murky paragraphs about “mercury retrograde.”

The mind *wants* to go forward, but it’s been taken offline and redirected. Detours bring totally other information than you expected to receive. It’s not the wrong answer, it’s just the answer to a different question.

Mentally, we’re all entangled by a momentary loss of our echolocation abilities.

In modern society, this is not very helpful at all. We’re expected to follow our trains of thought to their logical conclusions, not meander off of them and go visit the cows we saw out the window. Not allowed. So it’s inconvenient. We really like to think of ourselves as people who take every opportunity to stop and smell the roses but watch what happens when the train is late. The roses could be thousand dollar bills and it wouldn’t matter because there is a problem, and the problem is the train is late. But  some delays are truly auspicious from a higher perspective, and as this grand trine separates we are also in the realm of a venus/mercury sun conjunction, so, seriously, it might not be so dumb to wander off the path now. jump off the train for a couple weeks and see what *else* you feel like doing besides your normal stuff, like mooning at  the ex’s picture on Facebook since they unfriended you six months ago and writing down every single bill you owe on a yellow legal pad over and over again.

Usually when the assembly line backs up some technician will come along and fix it. But while everyone is waiting around it becomes obvious that the way the line is set up is causing more problems than it solves, and sometimes *the way you are thinking about a problem* is part of the reason you are not solving it.

Off the path,  whatever you say, think, conclude from way way way to hell and gone could be interesting. Look for the *new thought* emerging from the mental disruption.

Also, don’t buy a computer. It’s going to break, and you’ll be too distracted by your broken computer to notice that your old computer just started printing thousand dollar bills. And it’s blocked your access to Facebook altogether.