How I Love Thee Aint Working.

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Celestial Architecture

The Sidereal sun is in Virgo; Vedic Mercury in Libra, backtracking; and Venus ( her Indian name is Shukra) is extremely close to this whole mess with her boyfriend Rahu ( North Node) on her arm.

Shukra will date anyone. Seriously. I don’t what she sees in him.

Lots of combustion. Shukra has taken a wrong turn or maybe overstepped her boundaries a bit — or maybe Rahu did this as he is known to do. Something went…a bit wrong.

What it looks like to me is that our relationships have gone from problematic to sour; from negotiable to too effed up to manage properly. Sun, Venus and Rahu are now all in Chitra Nakshatra and that’s a lot of entities in that little bit of space, let’s put it that way.

Chitra is called the “Celestial Architect.” it’s really about building, arranging, organizing; or I guess you could say *making things that work for humanity out of the stuff of the earth.” A cathedral is made of stone, a Twinkie is made of petroleum byproducts, and so on. Right now what this configuration wants to do in your life is to help you create a new architecture for your career, first and foremost;  and also  the way you express what you love or want to achieve in the world.

With Mercury backing into a combustion, what we’re feeling is that we want to build something new that will sustain our heart’s desires.  We are concocting Crazy Convoluted Plans and they feel enormous and it feels like someone just ripped the whole blueprint off the table – or someone handed you a pen and said: draw it. Draw all of it out. Now. The world has come to dead stop because it’s time for a major course correction, recalculation, or other words that mean DO OVER.

Mercury retrograde and combust. Venus retrograde and combust. Mars is the ruler of Chitra and he is in the second from this whole mess so I am guessing this more about money than it is about love; but let’s just call it PLANS FOR A MASSIVE LIFESTYLE OVERHAUL.

Why are you making these plans now?

Because the old model blew up, dinnit? Now what are you going to drive?

And because Mercury is retrograde, this is all whizzing around in your head like racecars vs. horses across the deserts of Arabia.

If you are planning on launching a business or something like that, now is not the time to launch. I’m not saying don’t *ever* launch, but you’ve still got tweaking to do. If you plan to propose,  or plan to apologize,  or plan to ask somebody out, just sit tight and watch the races in your head for a while.

But keep drawing. Keep pulling away the sandbags and start putting in a real foundation.

Insert metaphor.

Basically: It was time to go back to the drawing board days ago. I hope you’ve made it there by now.