Adventures in Astrocartography: The Sun Line

I moved from my childhood home in Wilmette, Illinois on the Shores of the Inland Sea in November of 2010. I had no idea where to go, I just knew I had to leave that place, be somewhere offstage and far away from the heartbreaker of a soap opera my life had become. You try having my mom for 44 years. I really had no plan.  I had no real idea where to go. I knew nothing at all about the world outside the oxygen deficient compartment containing my mother. I had some vague excuses for what I was doing. But finally the only thing I had to go on were the astrocartography maps on Astrodienst.

It’s a frustrating business,  astrocartography. Even though you can have magnificent lines in a places this does not mean bad things won’t happen to you there, or that your life will skyrocket to pinnacles of love and success. All it means is that the planetary energy *in your chart* that’s working in whatever fashion it is working now is more pronounced; because the astrocartography lines put your planets on the angles where they’re out in front.


“These regions are ideal for the realisation of ambitious plans and undertakings. Along this line are the best places for career advancement, and a fulfilling social position.

A stay in these places can help define your goals, giving directional clues regarding your calling and official capacity within the community. Here you will be noticed and receive support, recognition and protection. With an increase in your self-esteem, you can begin to turn personal wishes and desires into reality, and experience the satisfaction of success.”

That sounded pretty good.

I packed up everything, put it all into storage, and got my brother to take me to Lincoln Nebraska. Lincoln was an extremely calculated choice within the band of my Sun/MC line. 3.9 percent unemployment. College town. Low cost of living. Seriously, if you can’t make it in Lincoln Nebraska chances are you should just stay in your childhood bedroom and sleep with your tiny inheritance under your mattress fielding calls from your dead mom’s sister for the rest of your life.

I found an extended stay hotel there, and I just…stayed. It was just somewhere else to be. But slowly I descended into my body and realized — well, maybe I was imagining it; but I was just more visible in Lincoln Nebraska. For some reason people noted my presence. I was allowed into front doors. I applied for a job. I got the job. Men — sometimes symbolized by the sun; usually professionals in authority — were interested in me, somewhat…okay:  At least more than they had been at my mother’s house.

The Sun/MC line seems to be a good place on the map to try out being the Person-Out-Front for a while. But after a while being Out Front gets tiring. You might run into ego clashes — even within yourself when you realize you’ve created a persona people expect you to show up with every single time.

I eventually started to – believe it or not — get tired of all the attention. Weary of it.  Stressed out by a number of near strangers who had become oddly dependent on me to show up for them. And the sense that I should expect to be treated better; which in fact is not always a guarantee; that ego started blazing up.  I worried about my frown lines and got Botox; I bought neat shoes because I knew someone would see them. I put on mascara and eyeliner, every day.

Mars trines the sun in my natal chart and My Abs were suddenly a concern. “Abs” in fact was never even a word I used before I stepped onto my sun line. Other people’s abs were also, for some uncharacteristically competitive reason: a concern.

I think I got worn out by my own sharp, combatively performance oriented ego in four short years, and left.

If you want to travel to your sun line, it definitely is a great place to execute a career plan. If you need a job; to rebubackground_spotlightild your professional life, and you have a plan for that in mind, including your sun line might be a something to consider. But remember to watch the rest of your chart. If your natal sun is under stress all those stressors are bound to come out. It’s all in the spotlight. At the top of your natal chart, for all the world to see.



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