Venus Retrograde on Pluto: The Great Disappointment

When Venus slowly backs onto Pluto, we are being shown the point of our deepest obsession. It is the place where our desire nature is amplified until it burns right down into your belly and fills you with the kind of longing that defies a single human word. A noise, sure. Something like awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyayayayayayayayyayugh uh ugh gahhhhhhhhhh UGH.

Because what we’re dealing with here is a point of such deep transformation at the event horizon of human longing that it becomes weirdly obvious that you are NOT attracting what you WANT. You are trying to attract a thing that you believe will solve another thing. And you can’t even name the other thing. But whatever it is, you want it and you don’t want to lose it.

Some other words — existential rage. Nothing *helps*.Not fear, but the experience of abandonment. But mostly the deepest dissatisfaction possible. Depending on the sign and house ( this time around it’s Venus and Pluto in Capricorn) the planetary energy is lighting up the dark side of your desire nature, where you realize either you want a thing you really shouldn’t have, or that no matter how much you got of that thing you would still be dissatisfied.

You, you realize, are truly the author of your own destruction. You, you realize, are addicted to something that is doing you no favors and you don’t care because you want it and depend on it anyway. In fact you probably almost moved into and had the electricity turned on in a house of cards.


Well. Not really.

Was it.

Now sometimes in a situation like this there is no answer. You just have to look at it, sit with it and let it burn cigarette holes in your forearms until it goes away. However at the moment Jupiter is opposing this bitch in Cancer and he can save you, if you let him.

Jupiter is the Guru; in Cancer, suddenly he looks a whole lot more like the Blessed Virgin Mary. He’s shining a flashlight into your dark night of the soul from across the way and saying — never mind. Come on over here and have some soup and bread and let me tell you The Good News. He’s not going to change the fact that you want the thing you can not have. He’s not going to relieve you of that dark, hidden longing or hide the booze. What he will do, though, is give you a way to think about what you’re doing, and a place to climb to to look down on it.

For Capricorns this is a time of tremendous frustration. They are deeply, deeply confused about who they want to be. They’ve been attracting influences into their lives that are at utter cross purposes to what they consider their life mission. And across the divide, in the seventh house, should be a true Guru; an actual person they can talk to. If you are a Capricorn and feeling this now, baby, call your therapist. If you are a Sagittarius, you’re flipped about the money you are earning. You know you could make more so why don’t you? Why aren’t you? If you are a Sagittarius, go get a loan, or do something with your investments, or ask for a raise. Don’t just sit there and stew about it because I promise this will do nothing at all but exhaust you with resentment and self-loathing. You are worth more. Are you worth more? What is your worth?

You can go around the zodiac based on your Pluto placement and ask yourself this question. Here now is the address of my deepest disappointment. And across the sky is a truthteller who can tell me what it really means.


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