Hey what’s that Scorpio doing there? I’ll tell ya later.


In Western astrology, Scorpio is the fullon freakout sexbomb who consumes you and then disappears. Okay,  that’s true. In Western astrology scorpio is associated with the eighth house, the House of Spooky as Hell at 666 Stalker Lane It is the sigil of death and rebirth and blahblahblah. That is one way to look at it.

However, in Vedic astrology, due to precession, the sign of Scorpio is actually the sign of Libra, and that means that at least half the people who think they are Scorpios really have the sun sign of Libra, the sign of fall for the sun.

According to Das Goravi, a debilitated sun in Vedic astrology ” can ruin everything.” It is imbued with the great misfortune of being a captive, unconscious reflection of the energy of whoever they are with at the time. This is why Libra is shorthanded to be known as the “relationship” person, the “cooperator.” It’s because they have low contact with their *own* energy and desire nature. You could call this vampiric but don’t. It’s more that in this incarnation they are learning the great truth and utlility of energetic pattern matching, which is quite a massive part of the business of being human. It’s also a testing phase in the question: who am I?

I am nobody. Who are you?

So, if a Scorpio comes into your life, especially as a lover but really as any meaningful incarnational associate — what they are doing there is to show you your pain. If you are carrying emotional pain, the Scorpio will find it, pull on it like a big magnet over an etch-sketch, and draw a big scary picture of it right in front of you so you can be stunned and horrified and puzzled and wounded by it right out in the open instead of letting sit there like a black hole in your chest.

This is why a relationship with a Scorpio is going to be the weirdest thing that ever happened to you, and you’re going to look back on it more as a demonic possession and exorcism than any kind of relating you were ever involved with before. On the soul level, a vedic Libra is consistently a mirror to its partner and to its surroundings. The deeper you go with them, the more consuming it is because you will in fact be wrestling with yourself in the cave. You can figure out later that maybe bringing along the light saber was a bad idea, but at the time it will have seemed necessary and you will know defeat. And remorse. And confusion.

Usually a Scorpio will show up after a breakup. You will at that juncture need a serious awareness injection. Scorpio will be the rebound guy, He will be absolutely magnetic and utterly obsessed with you because what he is attracted to is your personal imbalance and your need for healing. He will draw out the deepest parts of you, not because you’re so interesting but because this is his karmic job and you fell under the gaze of the snake ( especially Swatistar nakshatra) who will inject you with poison only to draw it out again.

An affair with a Scorpio is shamanic medicine and the healing ground is your psyche. It’s like sexual ayahuasca, that thing where you lie on a mat in a jungle and throw up for seventeen hours while a giant ant gazes down at you dispassionately knitting a pashmina for you out of the comments on your grade school report cards.

Don’t wait around for the chocolate, flowers, dinner or any of the other romancey types things you might expect what you were sort of thinking might be an actual love relationship. You’re going straight to the nuclear fuckathon and if you want a snack in between rounds, you’ll be paying.

When it’s over, he’ll disappear. Lose interest, is what it will feel like but you have to realize there is nothing left in you for him to purge and feed off of. It will shut off like a searchlight and leave you in darkness, spent and still convinced for months that the hounds of hell are still chasing you. There is no point in trying to “get him back” because when the job is done there is no more magnetic attraction, no more compulsion. The poisons are gone. The You that drew the vampire in the first place, is gone.

So this is what the Scorpio is doing there. He is a vedic LIbra, his sun is debilitated, and he literally *is* feeding off your energy. He has none of his own; the pain signature is what is so compelling to him. His subconscious purpose is to draw out toxicity so that you can acknowledge it. And when that job is done, he will be gone, on to the next damaged creature.

If you ask him later what happened, or why, he won’t tell you the truth. Not because he’s the lying, cheating, mindfuck of all mindfucks — it’s because he doesn’t know. He was just tracking a blood scent, and he lost the scent. Someone else with a pain signature or a severe energy imbalance passed under this window or walked past him on the street, and he found it again.

There’s not a lot of language out there in common parlance to explain that.

You have to feel sorry for Scorpio because Scorpio is actually faith healing emotional pain and he has no idea this is so, or why. . Or how. He’s actually more confused than you are.

But when he shows up in your life with that look in his eye, be prepared for an interview with a vampire. bb9And at least realize that when it’s done it was medicine. Big medicine. Psychic Chemotherapy. But not true love. That’s for Geminis and Leos. Scorpio is built for bad romance, and he’ll give it to you as long as you keep asking for it.




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